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Hi Folks

just been listening to interview with Gavin and Anne Calver (I remember listening to his Dad Clive when he was head of EA!) . They talked about their vision for spring harvest and a wider vision for the whole Church of being unleashed, released into the things of the early Church again. Getting back to the basics of care for one another and then to the wider community, just simply offering the love and word of Jesus to people and then expecting the Holy Spirit to minister in his amazing sovereign way. It is interesting that the original vision for the conference was set in 2018 after a lot of prayer and now in the context of the virus, and the conference being free online, a lot more people will hear it. I am looking forward to what is to be shared.

my reading this morning was on moses on the edge of the red sea, being told both to be still and see the deliverance of God and also to move forward as the Lord instructed him. We are in a place of being still, even stuck like the israelites, but God is working for us, watching over us. At the same time we can move forward in love and service of each other, learning to value one another again, as we do, we are preparing for the new future that God will open up in the days ahead when we can step out in faith into God's new adventure. Easter the time of surprises when God works in ways we never could have imagined!! Eph 3:20


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1 comentário

Bailey H
Bailey H
27 de set. de 2022

Very nicce blog you have here


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