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what are we doing?


Was really good listening to other leaders at spring harvest wrestling with the issues we all face.

Like everyone else we are caught up with the pressure of supporting people, building relationships, tackling technical innovations and re-evaluating our ministries for the future.

It is a time of pause, to wait on God yet there is a tremendous amount of activity being done in new ways.

some great quotes include:

The gathered Church is being scattered, pushed out,

The church is not empty but deployed into the wider community

It was Great listening to Linda this morning on the radio talking about making scrub bags for the NHS, Pam and Linda's creativity being used to connect with and serve the wider community.

I wrote to another Christian worker this morning: opportunity, innovation, sensitivity and care - quite a balance to find!

In the book of Acts we see this amazing leadership of the Holy Spirit breaking new ground, creating new life and ways of doing things and yet at the same time the Church was full of love, compassion and care, these can all be held together.

Rachel sent me a new psalm to reflect on written and performed by Andy Flanagan, hope it helps as it captures so much of the emotion that we feel


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Inglewhite Congregational Church

Silk Mill Lane
Lancashire PR3 2LP

Sunday Service: 10.45am

Monthly evening service (last Sunday of month) at 6.30pm 

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