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Toddle In meets every Thursday in the church hall all year round, except the summer and bank holidays. We are open from 9:00am until 11:00am. We are a friendly group of Mums, carers and grandmothers who bring along our children from babies to school age.


We have tea or coffee for the adults and snacks for the children. We have a 'messy play' area, crafts, dressing up, song time in our youth room, playdoh, dolls, and baby area. 


At Christmas we do a nativity play with the children and on special occasions such as harvest, we have theme related activities for the children and a 10 minute toddler/baby friendly service.


We welcome anyone who'd like to meet new people while your children play.



Inglewhite Congregational Church

Silk Mill Lane
Lancashire PR3 2LP

Sunday Service: 10.45am

Monthly evening service (last Sunday of month) at 6.30pm 

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